What I’m up to Now

Welcome to my “Now” page.

Written from northern Chicagoland on a pleasant sunny summer day in early July 2024

Here’s what I’m up to:

Marathon Training

I’ll be running my first marathon at the California International Marathon (CIM) December 8, 2024! I just finished my aerobic base building plan and am “excited” to slowly increase the distance I can run and endurance. I also have the 2024 Lifetime Chicago Half Marathon in September that’s part of my training plan.

Japanese Study

I’ve been studying Japanese since returning from my first trip in April 2023. After a year of self study, I’d consider myself several levels up from beginner and just on the brink of immediate. My goal is to be conversational fluent and to be able to navigate life as tourist using Japanese without relying on English.

Data Visualization Student

As someone who has created their fair share of mediocre charts, visualizations, and reports, I’m reading Stephen Few’s “Now You See It” to improve my ability to tell a story with data and visualize it.

My “Now” page was inspired by the great, Derek Sivers. You can see what Derek is up to here. And you can learn about what a “Now” page can be here.
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